Accelerating Digital Transformation Through Measurement

The Challenge

The IT function at a global pharmaceutical company was transforming to integrate ‘digital’ into how the organization does business, to enable increased speed, agility, customer/consumer engagement and patient outcomes. The Chief Information Technology Officer sought help accelerating behavior change across the company to ensure full integration of digital into day-to-day operations through measurement and communication around adoption of new ways of working and impact of digital initiatives.

Notion Solution + Scope

the ITLT and business leaders to understand IT objectives and intended outcomes, progress against goals, and what key indicators would demonstrate success and business impact IT initiatives. 

ITLT working session to define how IT would like to quantify value and outcomes for the business in the future.

IT measurement branding for the overall initiative and scorecard. 

a metrics framework & scorecard with an approach to cascade metrics. Developed IT/Business scorecard standardized template and equipped the CIO and ITLT to engage teams and clients and measure progress toward goals.

the measurement approach by creating tools for the ITLT to engage key business partners/stakeholders ongoing.

Project detail
Chief Information Technology Officer
Company Description
Global Pharmaceutical Company